sudo dpkg -i propelleride-(version)-amd64.deb
Installing PropellerIDE
PropellerIDE is currently officially supported on Windows, Mac, Debian, and Raspbian OS.
First, download PropellerIDE for your platform. Then follow the corresponding instructions to get started.
PropellerIDE is packaged as a Windows installer that will guide the user throughout the installation process.
Mac OS X
PropellerIDE is packaged as a regular DMG image, so mount the Volume and drag the icon into the Applications folder.
PropellerIDE requires a minimum of Qt 5.2 which is only available on Ubuntu as of 14.04.
After downloading the Debian package for your platform, install it with dpkg
It will complain about dependencies at which point you can run apt-get
to fix them.
sudo apt-get install -f
Make sure you install the FTDI drivers!
sudo apt-get install libftdi1
Add yourself to the dialout
group so you can use the serial port.
sudo usermod -a -G dialout USER_NAME
Ubuntu 14.04 or earlier
PropellerIDE is known to build in Ubuntu versions as old as 12.04, but doing so will take some work.
Add the Utopic Unicorn sources to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb utopic main
Run an update to ensure your apt repositories are up-to-date.
sudo apt-get update
Raspberry Pi - Raspbian Wheezy
Qt5 is not available in the standard repository, but you can obtain it from Debian backports.
Add the following entries to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb wheezy main backports deb-src wheezy main backports
Add the repository key.
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 2578B775
Update and install Qt5 and its dependencies.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install qt5-default qt5-qmake libegl1-mesa libgles2-mesa